Meet the Mentors: Michael Tsiagbe

Meet the Mentors: Michael Tsiagbe

Michael was diagnosed with the HbSC genotype prenatally. Growing up with the benefit of a paediatrician nurse as a mother he learnt to understand the triggers of crises and how to manage his condition and general wellbeing. In adulthood Michael has sought to understand more about how Sickle Cell affects people differently and the various ways the condition can be handled and managed.

Michael has a BSc in Financial Economics and an MSc in Real Estate. To date he has spent his career working in the property development field focusing on the financial viability, acquisition and delivery of residential accommodation blocks for rent to predominantly young professionals in London.

Michael’s is a keen foodie and enjoys visiting London’s various food markets and world restaurants, has a love for music and is a casual pianist, he is a keen runner and does a 5km twice a week and an avid Arsenal fan. Michael has over 5+ years experience of mentoring and coaching football in Hackney and also holds an FA qualification in football coaching.

Michael’s objective is to share his experiences in life to help others who may be facing challenges of their own and help them to overcome them.

If you are, or you know, a 10-24 year old living with sickle cell in Hackney and City then email or call 07377 170152 to book a session or to find out more.